Saturday, 2 May 2015

Jeff Niles Presents: Atomic Playboy

Jeff Niles Presents: "Atomic Playboy"

Our Teaser Promo Graphic (With thanks to
Written by Mark Slade

Directed and Produced by Viktor Aurelius

Synopsis: In 1984 on streets of L.A., a couple of Punks living out their wildest dreams with no authorities imposing rules on them. They have their fascination with drugs and a willingness to commit crimes. Of course without a job, they live in squats and eat out of dumpsters behind restaurants. An endless party! A dangerous lifestyle, that meshes with the worst possible scenario of a technological disaster waiting to happen.

Featured in the cast were:
David Ault as Tommy
Gabrielle Andrews as Jenna
Jeff Niles as Mother
Joe J. Thomas as the Security Guard
Viktor Aurelius as Bryson
Terrence Drye as Lonnie
David Schütz II as Patton
Joe Sims as Man
and Ted Wenskus as Piercing Guy

Music by Kevin MacLeod ( )
and Purple Planet ( )

Sound Design by Viktor Aurelius

© The 4077th and ALL BETTER AUDIO (2015)

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