Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Victoria! Empress of the Universe: Episode Five

Episode Five - Battle Royal – Knight takes Red Queen!

Story Synopsis

Many daunting tasks lie before our heroes as Venusian Troops make their presence known to the people of Mars! The sacrifice at the Tower of Tyros MUST occur as planned while Queen Xynea fights for control of her world!

Tuesday, 17 June 2014

Doctor Watson and the Unwelcome Critique

Doctor Watson and the Unwelcome Critique
by Vince Stadon

Starring Elie Hirschman as Dr. John H. Watson
and Viktor Aurelius as Mr. Fotherwell
Produced and directed by Jeff Niles
Music by Alain Morrin / First Com

Monday, 9 June 2014

Sherlock Holmes and the Taxing Problem

Sherlock Holmes and the Taxing Problem
(The Lost Pilot to The Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes)
by Vince Stadon

Starring Jeff Niles as Sherlock Holmes
and Capt. John Tadrzak as Mr. Milhauser
Produced and directed by Jeff Niles
Additional music by Alain Morin/First Com