Thursday, 21 November 2013

MOSH Scripts Volume One - Now on sale!

As we busy ourselves producing a series of brand new new MOSH adventures (coming soon!), MOSH fans can now sate their thirst for silly Holmes misadventures by picking up a copy of The Misadventures of Sherlock Holmes Radio Comedy Scripts Volume One, wherein you'll find attractively presented scripts for seven MOSH stories, and lots of nice little extras, because we love you.

It's the perfect Christmas stocking gift for anyone who's ever looked at a meerschaum pipe and wondered just exactly how many gags could possibly be made about it in a long-running audio comedy series.

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

Clucks at Night - Part One

Written by Rocky Karlage

Adapted to audio by Viktor Aurelius

Monday, 16 September 2013

Jeff Niles Presents: Two Thirty Appointment

Jeff Niles Presents

"Two Thirty Appointment"
(Rated PG - for some adult language)

Written, directed and produced by Viktor Aurelius

Story Synopsis

We all hate going to the Doctor. We worry and stress about it. Andrew Brockford has an appointment with Doctor Campbell at 2:30. Andrew likes him and feels better after his visits. So why should we worry? Perhaps after you hear Andrew's tale... you may want to reconsider YOUR next appointment!

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Victoria! Empress of the Universe: Episode Three

Episode Three – “The Thorns of a Dilemma

Story Synopsis

The Britannia arrives on Mars and its passengers and crew have already made enemies. The Martian Queen must try to bring about peace while trying to thwart an impending war between the races of Mars. And in the end... sacrifices must be made... and someone will die!

Friday, 5 April 2013

Behold the Beauty - Episode Three "The Finale"

 RATED NC-17 for Sexual Content 
Episode Synopsis

Our Fairy Tale reached its climactic conclusion as Agnatha is assaulted outside her home, Prince Beausoleil's whereabouts are discovered and the lovers are torn apart. All the King's "forces" and all the King's men may not be able to put the Kingdom of Ravenshead back together again!

Saturday, 16 February 2013

Victoria! Empress of the Universe: Episode Two

Episode Two – “In Space, No One Can Hear You Die

Story Synopsis

After several attempts on Sherlock Holmes' life; Dr. John Watson and the Ship Steward help him uncover a plot of epic proportions. New enemies and new allies arrive on the scene while perils and mysteries increase as the Britannia speeds toward Mars!

Tuesday, 12 February 2013